Harriett Risley Foote Letters From Abroad to Her Parents, et al. – 8/23/1889 – 8/8/90 #?of 60


Munich, Germany

June 2nd 1890

My dear Mother & Father,

Here I am in Munich.  We arrived here yesterday morning about 6.20 after traveling since 8.48 Saturday.  We did not stay is any one place very long Saturday.  I have just been laughing with Miss  Swan over our meals that day.  We took our breakfast Saturday in Eisenach, our dinner in Meinengen (?), supper in Wurzburg, a mid-night meal in Shiechtlangen (?)  and breakfast in Munich.  You see we were no where long enough to get used of the city. At first yeSterday am we went to the Christian Assn. house to get a room.  But they would not put us up. so we came to the “Deutsche Kaiser” on Salz. Strasse.  Ourt room here costs us 4ocents a day and is very nice. We take our meals wherever we happen to be in the city.  Everywhere are good cafes and restaurants.  I drink only milk and find I can take nothing better.  The am we visited the Glyptotek or repository of sculpture. and them to the old Pinakotek – repository of painting,  in the renaissance style to some extent resembling the Vatican i Rome is adorned wit;h twenty four statues of celebrated painters from sketched by L3ehwand (?) Thaler.  It contains 1400 pictures.  We went through the gallery this am and are going again t;he morning after we left the gallery this pm we made a tour fo some of the principal streets.  Went into the _________ picture church where we saw some beautiful frescoes on was Cornelius   – the larfe of his frescoes representing the ascension .  Yesterday we visited t;he basilica

Tuesday am

We are almost ready to go our into the City.  WE are going first for something to eat and then to the gallery.  I started to teell you that the Basilica is a church modeled after an old Italian basilica of the 5th or 6th century.  We happened in just in time to see the processional- archbishop – or highest priest fro the cloisters was there and marched with the other priests and children in white with wreaths on their heads.  There was a long line which passed through the church.  Priests and people with candles lighted and childran with banners and flowers.  It was a pretty sight. We have visited several other church.  The Ludwig and seen the _(?)

This  morning we went again to the gallery.  I have brought several photographs of the finest of paintings.  And when I come home month after next I can show them to you and explain what I have not time for now.  I have also bought a little album of Munich which I will show you.  How many things I shall have to tell and show you!  And think, I shall be home now a month after next only a little which.  I wish if Carl or Rena wishes any photographs  before I leave Paris he would write me and send me money for them.  I say the money as I never seem to have very much surplus. Now don’t smile, but I wish very much that they might have copies of the beautiful things I see, and yet I haven’t the money for them.. I would be only too glad to get them you understand, had I only the money.  How I long to get these pictures.  how you will delight in looking over what I have brought!

You will notice that the stamps used in Southern Germany are different.  Perhaps Carl would like the two  on this letter. We didn’t know at first about the stamp and as we had stamps with us we used them on our letters, but found that they were worthless here in Southern German.

We are going to Heidelburg in the morning at 5-5.30 and reach there at 3.00 in the pm. We expect to remain there over night.  Then go to Frankfort- stay Thursday and the night.  Then Friday go up the Rhine.  Saturday spend in Cologne and also Sunday.  Monday morning I hope to start for Paris  Thus is our journey planned.  So far it has gone very pleasantly.   We have had delightful weather.  We are going out soon to see about pictures, get our supper, and coming back to go to bed early so as to be fresh for the morning.

I will write you a card soon again, and again in Cologne before starting for Paris.

Very much love to you, my loved ones.  God bless you and keep you well & Strong.

Your loving, Harriett.


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