Memphis the Musical at the Flynn Theater

I worked on the Yellow Card tour of the broadway musical ‘Memphis‘.

Load in started at 8AM, by 1PM most of it was set and the load in crew was released.  Backline loaded in after lunch and the show was ready by 4 PM.  A 6:30 PM call back for the show crew.  Load out began at 10:30 PM and the doors closed on the third Semi by 1:30 AM.

Memphis, the Broadway musical on tour, loads into the Flynn on January 24, 2014.

Memphis, the Broadway musical on tour, loads into the Flynn on January 24, 2014.

I did a wardrobe call for the show. I was assigned two members of the ensemble cast, given a show track for those two and a shoe horn.  Madalaine was kind enough to lend me an apron with bobby pins, safety pins and other accoutrement.  One of my guys was mostly self sufficient, he wanted to take care of everything himself because he knew what to expect that way, I only had to re-hang his used costumes and help him with one quick change in the wings during the second act.  The other guy was more personable… He had a quick change in the first act.

Both actors did tricks like put on two or three layers of costumes that they peeled off in the wings.  These ensemble cast members played multiple extras, the camera operator one scene and a bat-wielding racist in the next…

The show was sold out weeks ago, 1400 seats. And it is a good show, based on a white radio DJ in Memphis in the 1950s who fell in love with a black singer whose career was rising.  The show is a lot of fun, and I recommend it.



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