Normandy Landing ( D-Day + five weeks)
Dear Dad,
We have landed and are adjusting to many new conditions. Food, customs, climate etc. I might mention what a surprise the weather is to us./ Believe it or not, I am wearing my long woolen underwear, and feeling quite comfortable.
The day is blustery, cloud and cold. Mornings seem to be misty or just cloudy, clearing later in the day. And the time that is very confusing as it doesn’t really get dark until almost midnight. So one has to go to bed by daylight in order to get sufficient sleep. Of course double daylight saving time is partly responsible for this state of affairs. The place where I am now stationed temporarily was formerly a park in a large city. The park has been taken over and converted into a camp. The shelters are those corrugated iron affairs you have seen in pictures. I haven’t explored the city yet but they say it is very interesting and the people hospitable. A railroad right-of-way passes near the camp and the high pitched, thin sound of the locomotive whistles can be heard constantly. Although I have many sights and much work (unclear) with which to occupy myself, I still have a great longing to be home and concern for my family’s welfare. I can only hope and pray that all goes well with them as it does with me.
Lots of love to you Aunt Harriett +Polly. Carl