In Germany / Spring 1945

vmail 1945 04 23                                                                                                                        Somewhere in Germany 4/23/45

(words unclear) … have found your work with the (unclear) Soc., interesting

Dear Dad,

Your letter of Apr 4th from Marblehead arrived today.  It had been several weeks since I had heard from you., but I believe I received all the letters you sent from Tucson throughout the Winter.  The War certainly is progressing as well as can be expected.  However, it may continue in a diminishing amount for sometime, as it is extremely doubtful that there will be a surrender.  What happens after the fighting ceases over here is open to much speculation.  Frankly, I see little possibility of my getting home for sometime to come except for the unforeseen and the unexpected.  Of course, I want to be with my family very much indeed, but since that cannot be for the present it is best to resign oneself to the situation.  I must say I could be a lot worse off. – Justine writes that Rena visited her and they spent a pleasant afternoon together.  They seem to understand each other very well.  Of course,they do have one thing of importance in common, that is the problem of child raising.  I am kept well informed on Jerome’s  (this editor) development, for which I am thankful.  I get a great amount of pleasure out of her accounts of his behavior.  — I hope that you are feeling well since you returned East.  – Aunt H. will be interested to know that the Jordan Marsh package of Oct. 15th arrived a few days ago.  It was incorrectly addressed.   Lots of love – Carl


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