Innocence Abroad? Romney Takes The Grand Tour/Getaway

After using Neo-Con talking points to lambast Obama in front of a VFW gathering,  Mitt Romney announced that, as a responsible Republican, he will refrain from further criticism of the President’s foreign policy while his feet rest on international soil during his planned trip abroad.

Since he won’t be discussing National Policy or the Economy over there, and has ruled out foreign policy topics as issues for delectation, that leaves not very much to talk about now and to flip-flop on later. This is a good thing as it allows him to concentrate on his humanity.  Perhaps the trees in Paris grow to, “Just the right height,” as they do in Michigan.  Everyone is dying to know whether croissants still taste as good as they did back when he was saving souls.

Of course, we are all aware that his favorite venue for saying anything serious is, “A quiet room,” where privacy is revered and the minutes of meetings can be burned before being read by those not there.

This reverence for deniability finds it’s latest manifestation in the discovery that many of the documents generated by the Romney Olympic Committee have gone missing.  The mystery of  these records’ whereabouts, whose loss was revealed by David Corn, of Mother Jones, and others,  joins that of the surreptitious destruction of office computer hard-drives by Massachusetts Governor Romney’s Administration before leaving office, and the yet to be revealed IRS returns Romney has filed over the years- to form three more diamonds in Romney’s Diadem of Deniability so far this season.



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