MemoirSite is a new social network, for paid subscribers to write of their experiences, and an audience with whom to share it.
MemoirSite gives anyone with a story to tell, and the desire to tell it, a place for the telling.
On MemoirSite, you will find
- a place to note events of the day,
- a way to organize a lasting record of life’s events and memorabilia,
- recall anecdotes, memories, experiences and episodes,
- create content for a full memoir.
What You Will Find On MemoirSite
MemoirSite provides a receptive community for sharing your stories, responding to the tales of others, and taking pleasure in the similarities and distinctions bestowed by culture, circumstance, personality and fortune.
This synergy of correspondants creates a voluntary and universal Internet Library of Biography and Record that will inform, enrich and entertain a growing audience into the future.
MemoirSite appeals to those who have a keen interest in using the internet to write and share a record of: Who they are, from whence they come, what they’ve done and learned, and the personal worth they feel is important to pass on, if not to the world at large, certainly to those near and dear.