Today is a day for moving mountains. And what I am finding is there is a lot of mountain moving movers out there to help.
Well… after a long slog and a bunch of setback, we shut it down….
This is a bright spring day… Cold but sunny
We will be moving again at the end of this month. I have spent the last two months collecting and filling boxes in an attempt to move in a more orderly fashion. I would succeed too, if it weren’t for the fact that the house we are moving into is chock-a-block full of stuff.
So… here we go….
Yesterday, I got a break in the weather and cleaned out most of a storage room.
It was 45F in January….
the lesson is…. don’t bring more stuff home unless you really need it.
I find when I get a small thing done it’s like I have moved a mountain. I have been ponderring this quite a lot lately. That is, how it has happened that small things seem like mountains, and why I can only achieve those small steps. I am not lost in a morass here, I […]
Yes… I think the commitment of shelves is what’s called for in this instance.
Here’s a good definition of Kibble — Kibble then, is the extraneous stuff laying around. The things society has cast off to the junkyards and backyards everywhere. But more specifically, the refuge that has overflown the borders of the junkyards and that has begun to clutter up our streets, our minds, our friendships and our politics. […]