It was a beautiful warn day in earily spring when I started from home to take a walk in the woods. It was one of those days with a wann, gentle breeze blowing now & then. As I walked down the lane toward the wood with the tall spreading willows on one side while on the other a wide spreading field. I scented happier than ever before, the gentle zephyres fanning my face and the beautiful songs of the birds greeting my ears.

All was beautiful and gay. The young grass springing up at my feet and the new leaves spreading on the trees denoted that beautiful spring had come. I reached the woods; how beautiful all was. When I was there last all was bleak and bare. The ground covered with snow and the pines weighed down with snow seemed to moan and sigh, as the wind blew through their branches, under the heavy weight While the ground, covered with snow, was only broken here and there by some hunter’s track ot the track of a rabbit who had been out of his burrow to get something to eat.

But now! what a change! Instead of those tall trees being

weighed down with snow and ice, there seemed to be a new life in them the beautiful buck and green leaves showed that there was something new in them. The tall trees bowed to me and seemed liapp at the coining of spring with all its beauties. On the ground instead of that deep but beautiful snow was a soft green carpet As! slept on it, it would spring straight up in its former place as much as to sa\. “you shouldn’t push me down, I have conic here to injoy this spring as well as you. And you and you, bad intruder, trying to deprive me of the pleasure.”

I lay down near some bushes to rest, andmust have fallen asleep t’or I don’t remember anything until I heard something calling “Whip-poor-will.” I looked up and there! m a tree top close by I saw the bird. He looked at inc as much as to saw, “What are you doing here?” He did not wait for me to answer but, with a flip and twist of his head, flew away. 1 heard the particular cry of a Catbird and turning I saw him sitting on a branch with a small twig in his mouth. I thought I would watch him; so I sat down again. Pretty soon another bird came and then they twittered and chirped tocetlier

Then the conunenced the building of their home. Within an hour the nest was built. I started toward it and 0, how those birds mu ittered and hopped around on the branches as if frantic.

I looked at the nest for quite a while and thought how strange it u as that such small creatures could do so line a piece of work.

How even the twigs were entwined and how strongly the nest u as fixed in the branches, so that the hardest wind could not blow it out

Thus I stood for quite a while till at last I started on and soon caine to a beautiful brooklet. I sat down to rest and eat a small lunch which I had brought with me. I sat there for some time, then 1 noticed some small fish swinuning around near the brook. I tossed some crumbs to them which they readily eat.

The spot was a beautiful one. Just across the stream was a beautiful large oak tree. It was bent over the stream and formed a complete arch, as some of the branches touched this bank.

The brook went singing and dancing on over the pebbles and around bends till at last I guess it emptied into a large river and that in the vast ocean. While the birds even singing over head and bright sunbeams shot between the branches and leaves above. All was pleasant and gayhere too, in fact the wholoe woods was bright and 1 walked down the stream and soon came to a beautiful spot. There was a little boy sitting on the ground. I did not notice him at first but soon saw him and said “What are von doing here, little boy.” Don’t von know it is getting late?” He did not saN, anything at first but finally spoke. “lain here to take a walk an I saw thes here water so l’s going to wait ontill it go’s by so I kin cross. Cause I don’t want to water my new shoes.” I had to laugh but soon recovered and told him that perhaps the stream would never run dry. But he \ ()Uld not listen to inc. Before I knew it he sprang to his feet and sped away. It was useless for me to follow so I returned home just in time for supper. Thus Iliad spent the day in the wnds. lnjoying the beauties of spring. Before one tries to understand how nice it is to take a walk in the woods in spring they should go themselves and see for themselves.

[Very good; you are improving. You know not how much more attention to Grammar would help you. 1



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