May 4, 1918 – Still taking cargo

[Second dog-eared page. Math in margin: “300 X 300 = 90,000 / 2 = 45 tons TNT”]

Still taking cargo.  We sail Monday at 11 AM for the lower harbor where we tha on 300 debth bombs wich weigh 300 lb.

******* all the officers here objected to carrying so many of these dangerous bombs in the crude manner that will have to be stored.

Went ashore that afternoon too *** a then **** not which *** on this jack ***.  All hands are like a bunch of rookies.  Each cusses out the other and tell how much that “guy don’t know nothing, no how.”

All the officers are ashore expect Mr Jenkins and myself. The doctor never is aboard only for about 10 or 15 minutes in the forenoon about 10 o’clock. I think there is one hosptal apprentice asst. other times.

And we are taking cargo aboard. Well–


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