May 14, 1918 – At Sea

General Quarters, fire drill, abandon ship,, also collision drill this AM. During thr drills lookout reported “shots dropping on starboard quarter”, but the shots proved to be a whale spouting.

Five larger ships have passed us today bound for the states. I had some fun shooting 22 cal. rifle this afternoon and later we put a target over the stern and fired sub caliber with 3″ guns. I shot first gun and made some dandy hits.

We did some more fleet manouvers today. The orders are if we are attacked by ‘sub’, they ship the is attacked must fight out her own salvation, th others are to run. 

Wireless reports ‘subs’ unlikely westward to 40˚, so we will soon be in danger zone.

The sea today has been smooth and the ships look fine all steaming along in formation. Doctor took a picture of part of the, for me today.


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